Would you like to have me speak at your church, prayer group, CCD class, event, or conference?

I am a wife, mother, artist and author. I am available to speak on the apparitions and messages of Medjugorje. I believe Medjugorje is a continuation of Fatima, with similar messages of confession, prayer, conversion and fasting (penance). The presentation I will give will focus on the 100th anniversary of Fatima and their connection to the phenomena of Medjugorje. This summer, I will be going on my speaker bio photo5th pilgrimage to Medjugorje. I believe Medjugorje is an extraordinary spiritual place where millions of people experience God and Our Lady’s love. I have felt called to spread Our Lady’s messages and enjoy speaking to any size audience. My talk includes a PowerPoint presentations and time for Q &A. See how Our Lady calling us all to prayer and to evangelize.